Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Episode 67 (June 6, 2011): John McCutcheon's "Water from Another Time"

[NOTE TO LISTENERS:  Starting with this week's episode, the weekly audio file will be only the two-to-three minute "Water Sounds and Music" segment.  Text on recent news and events will still be posted here, but three will be no audio file for those segments.  Also, please note new links below for the Virginia Water Central News Grouper (a frequently updated blog of annotated links to water-related news items) and the Quick Guide to Virginia Water-related Conferences, Workshops, and Other Events.]

Transcript: From the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, this is Virginia Water Radio for the week of June 6, 2011.

This week we feature a song by a Wisconsin native who adopted the South as his chosen home, including living for many years in Virginia.  The song reflects on how family history is vital to future generations’ spirits, just as water is vital to their bodies.  Have a listen for about a minute. 

“Water from Another Time," by John McCutcheon.  Used with permission of Appalseed Productions.

You’ve been listening to part of “Water from Another Time,” by John McCutcheon on his 1987 album “Gonna Rise Again,” from Rounder Records.  Praised by Johnny Cash as “the most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard,”  Mr. McCutcheon has been exploring and creating folk music since the 1970s.  Prior to moving to Atlanta in 2006, he was a long-time resident of Charlottesville and wrote many songs there, including “Water from Another Time.” 

For other water sounds and music, and for more Virginia water information, visit our Web site at virginiawaterradio.org.  From the Virginia Water Resources Research Center in Blacksburg, I’m Alan Raflo, thanking you for listening wishing you health, wisdom, and good water.

Notes:  Information on John McCutcheon and “Water from Another Time” was taken from So long: McCutcheon signs off in song, Charlottesville Hook, 11/13/07; John McCutcheon's back for show at Haven, Charlottesville Daily Progress, 4/1/11; John McCutcheon page on Web site of Walnut Valley Festival of Winfield, Kansas, 6/2/11; and John McCutcheon’s Web site, www.folkmusic.com, 6/3/11.

 A Selection of Recent Virginia Water News

            For other water news items from Virginia and elsewhere, please visit the Virginia Water Central News Grouper, available online at http://vawatercentralnewsgrouper.wordpress.com/.
            1.  On May 25, the U.S. EPA released an 88-page report on the Radford Army Ammunition Plant’s request for a 10-year extension of its permit for cleaning up old wastes at the explosives-manufacturing facility on the New River in Pulaski County.  The plant was given a 10-year corrective action permit in 2000 to begin work on 77 potential clean-up sites.  Many sites have been addressed or have been determined not to be contaminated or pose a risk, but at least seven sites still need attention for various petroleum-based, volatile, and metallic wastes that have contaminated soil or groundwater.  The EPA is taking public comment on the clean-up plan and report until July 25, and a public hearing will be held in Christiansburg on June 27.  In addition, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is holding a public hearing on June 28 at the New River Valley Competitiveness Center in Radford on the plant’s state hazardous-waste permit.  For many years, Alliant Tech Systems, Inc., of Minneapolis has been contracted by the military to run the approximately 7,000-acre facility, which was built just prior to World War II and now employs about 1,800 people.  But in May the Army awarded the $850-million contract to BAE Systems of London, and Alliant is seeking a Government Accountability Office review of that contract award decision.  The EPA has said that the contract decision will not affect the clean-up plan, which are managed through separate contracts.
            Sources: Radford Army Ammunition Plant seeks more cleanup time from EPA, Roanoke Times, 3/17/11 and EPA considers cleanup permit for Radford arsenal, Roanoke Times, 5/29/11.  EPA information about the permit application process is available online at http://www.epa.gov/reg3wcmd/publicnotice_radford_armyammo_may25v.html (as of 6/2/11).

            2.  On May 26, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries released about 6,000 sterile Grass Carp into Claytor Lake in Pulaski County as part of a plan to reduce the levels of the floating aquatic plant Hydrilla.  Claytor Lake is a hydroelectric impoundment of the New River.  Hydrilla is a non-native invasive plant that in recent years has covered about 400 of the lake’s 4,000 acres.  In limited amounts, Hydrilla can provide additional fish habitat, but over time it tends to become extensive and can impair boating, lead to reduced dissolved oxygen in water (when large amounts die and decompose), and displace native vegetation.  Agency official also plan chemical treatments, starting in summer 2011, with the contact herbicide Komeen.  The Grass Carp introduction is seen as a way to help reduce the Hydrilla population somewhat and eventually allow for less use of chemical treatments.
            Source: Meet the gluttons that could save Claytor Lake from 'hydrilla gorilla', Roanoke Times, 5/27/11.

            3.  The Atlantic hurricane season (including the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico) runs from June 1 to November 30, with August to October the usual period of peak activity.  On May 19, 2011, the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its outlook for the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season.  Allowing for various uncertainties (which are detailed in the outlook document), the outlook estimated a 65-percent probability of an “above-normal” Atlantic hurricane season in 2011, and a 70-percent chance for the following ranges of activity: 12 to 18 named storms; 6 to 10 hurricanes; and 3 to 6 major hurricanes (major hurricanes are those rated “Category 3” or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Scale and that have sustained winds of at least 111 miles per hour).  National Hurricane Center long-term averages for the Atlantic season are 11 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes.  The introduction to the outlook makes the following cautions about predicted storm numbers: the outlook is “a general guide to the expected overall nature of the upcoming hurricane season.  It is not a seasonal hurricane landfall forecast, and it does not imply levels of activity for any particular region.  Hurricane disasters can occur whether the season is active or quiet.  It only takes one hurricane (or tropical storm) to cause a disaster.  Residents, businesses, and government agencies of coastal and near-coastal regions are urged to prepare for every hurricane season regardless of this, or any other, seasonal outlook.”  The outlook is a collaboration of the Climate Prediction Center, the National Hurricane Center, and the Hurricane Research Division, all within NOAA.
            Source: NOAA hurricane outlook indicates an above-normal Atlantic season, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration News Release, 5/19/11.  The outlook is available at www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/outlooks/hurricane.shtml (as of 5/31/11).

            4.  And the last news item for this update is Virginia Water Radio’s monthly water-status report for May.
            First, here are National Weather Service preliminary precipitation totals for May at eight Virginia locations: Blacksburg: 7.3 inches, or 2.9 inches above normal historically for May;
Bristol: 5.9 inches, or 1.6 inches above normal;
Danville, 5.3 inches, or 1.4 inches above normal;
Dulles Airport, 3.3 inches, or 0.9 inches below normal;
Lynchburg: 3.3 inches, or 0.8 inches below normal;
Norfolk, 2.0 inches, or 1.8 inches below normal;
Richmond, 4.4 inches, or 0.4 inches above normal;
Roanoke: 3.8 inches, or 0.4 inches below normal.
            (Sources:  Climate pages of the following National Weather Service offices: Blacksburg; Morristown, Tenn. [covers the Tri-Cities area near Bristol, Va.-Tenn.]; Washington-Dulles; and Wakefield.)
            For another look at precipitation, see the Southeast Regional Climate Center (Chapel Hill, N.C) maps of total precipitation and percent of normal precipitation for the the past seven, 30, 60, or 90 days.
            Second, in stream flow: According to the U.S. Geological Survey WaterWatch for Virginia, streamflows averaged over May were in the normal range at about 37 percent of 142 stream gages in Virginia and just beyond the state border.  The monthly average flows were below normal at about 14 percent of gages as well, and flows were above normal at about 49 percent of gages.
            And third, our drought watch: The weekly The National Drought Monitor map from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on May 31 showed abnormally dry or worse conditions in 26 percent of Virginia, all in south central and southeastern areas and on the Eastern Shore.  Thirteen percent of the state was categorized as being in a moderate drought, and a small area in the southeastern corner of Virginia Beach was categorized as being in a severe drought.
Water Meetings and Other Events
            For more events, please visit the Quick Guide to Virginia Water–related Conferences, Workshops, and  Other Events, online at http://vwrrc.vt.edu/VAConfQuickGuide.html.
Virginia Government Policy And Regulatory Meetings, occurring between June 9 and 15.
            For more information, click on the meeting dates. Click here for the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall listing of all Virginia government meetings, or here for Virginia General Assembly legislative committee and commission meetings.  For TMDL meetings, click here for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality TMDL Web site.
            1.  On June 14 at 9 a.m., the Virginia Gas and Oil Board meets at the Russell County Office Building in Lebanon.
            2.  On June 14 at 10 a.m., the Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority meets at the Twin Hickory Library in Glen Allen.
            3.  On June 14, 6 p.m., at the A.T. Johnson Alumni Museum Auditorium in Montross, the State Water Control Board holds a public meeting on the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) application to the U.S. EPA) for federal No Discharge Zones (NDZs) for 17 water bodies in Westmoreland County and one water body in King George County.
            4.  On June 15 at 10 a.m., the Virginia Recycling Markets Development Council meets at the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission office in Richmond.

 Educational, Recreational, and Stewardship Events
            For more information, click on the links to organizations or events (both are hyperlinked whenever possible).
            5.  Jun.-July, various dates and locations (see below*): Virginia Herpetological Society and Virginia Institute of Marine Science surveys for Diamondback Terrapins (first-ever Virginia statewide Diamondback Terrapin survey). Diamondback terrapins inhabit brackish waters.  The survey will be land-based: pairs of observers at designated locations will count the number of terrapins surfacing for air.  The survey depends upon volunteer observers, who will receive training materials and instructions.  If you are interested in participating, contact Kory Steele, president@vaherpsociety.com.
*Jun. 11-12 in Northampton County;
*Jun. 18-19 in Norfolk and Virginia Beach;
*Jun. 24-25 in Newport News and York County;
*Jul. 9-10 in Gloucester and Mathews counties;
*Jul. 16-17 in Lancaster and Norhumberland counties.

            6.  Jun. 11, Jamestown Yacht Basin, Williamsburg: James River Paddle Challenge. Participants can paddle a 10-mile or 17-mile route around Jamestown Island.  Organized as a fund-raiser by the James River Association. More information: (804) 788-8811, info@jamesriverassociation.org.

            7.  Jun. 24-26, Hungry Mother State Park, Smyth County: 6th Annual Herp Blitz.  Survey for amphibians and reptiles, sponsored by the Virginia Herpetological Society.  More information: Kory Steele, president@vaherpsociety.com.

            8.  Jun. 28, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (Board Room), 4000 West Broad Street, Richmond: Open House on Public Access to Chesapeake Bay and Tributary Rivers.  Organized by the National Park Service.  Information provided by participants will help the Park Service develop the "Chesapeake Bay Region Public Access Plan" due in 2012. Other open houses (same time of day) will be Jun. 21 in Harrisburg, Penn. (Fish and Boat Commission HQ), Jun. 22 in Baltimore (Ft. McHenry Visitor Center), and Jun. 27 in Washington (Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Library).