Click to listen to episode (3:17).
Please see below (after the transcript and show notes) for links to news and upcoming events.
From the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, this is Virginia Water Radio for the week of January 9, 2012.
Please see below (after the transcript and show notes) for links to news and upcoming events.
From the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, this is Virginia Water Radio for the week of January 9, 2012.
This week we listen in on a recent meeting by one of Virginia’s key citizen boards that oversees state policies and regulations on water resources. Have a listen for about 90 seconds.
You’ve been listening to excerpts from the September 22, 2011, meeting of Virginia’s State Water Control Board. The Board’s key duties include water-quality standards, wastewater permits and their enforcement, water-supply planning and policy, wetlands regulation, groundwater management, petroleum storage-tank regulations, and financial assistance for wastewater infrastructure. According to the Virginia Code, Water Control Board members are “by their education, training, or experience, [to] be knowledgeable of water quality control and regulation and...fairly representative of conservation, public health, business, and agriculture.” The seven-member board meets at least quarterly, usually in Richmond. Thanks to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for providing a recording of the board’s September 2011 meeting.
For other water sounds and music, and for more Virginia water information, visit our Web site at, or call us at (540) 231-5463. From the Virginia Water Resources Research Center in Blacksburg, I’m Alan Raflo, thanking you for listening, and wishing you health, wisdom, and good water.
Acknowledgments and Sources:
Audio of the September 22, 2011, State Water Control Board (SWCB) meeting was provided by Cindy Berndt of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). PDF files of SWCB meetings are available through the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall Web site at (posted by meeting date; the site is searchable for specific agencies). Information on the SWCB was taken from the “State Water Control Board Overview” provided online by the Virginia DEQ at (accessed 1/9/12), and from the Virginia Code, Sec. 62.1-44.15. (The Virginia Code is available and searchable online at the Virginia General Assembly’s Legislative Information System, online at
Recent Virginia Water News
For news relevant to Virginia's water resources, please visit the Virginia Water Central News Grouper, available online at
Water Meetings and Other Events
For events related to Virginia's water resources, please visit the Quick Guide to Virginia Water–related Conferences, Workshops, and Other Events, online at The site includes a list of Virginia government policy and regulatory meetings occurring in the coming week.