Please see below (after the transcript and show notes) for links to news and upcoming events.
From the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, this is
Virginia Water Radio for the week of August 6, 2012.
This week we feature another mystery sound. Have a listen
for about ten seconds, and see if you can guess what’s making the squeaking
sound. And here’s a hint: You may not
see many of these anymore in Virginia, but they can still work very well.
If you guessed a hand water pump, you’re right!
This one was recorded in 2010 at a camping site along the C&O Canal Towpath
in Maryland, just across the Potomac River from Virginia. While such
pumps are no longer routinely seen at residences or in communities in the
United States, hand-powered well pumps are one of many strategies being used to
try to provide clean, reliable water to developing countries. At least
three-quarters of a billion people worldwide are estimated to lack access to
clean drinking water, and this global challenge becomes ever more complicated
with climate change and population growth.
The challenge is being tackled by governments, businesses, non-profit
organizations, and many groups and individuals.
If you’re interested in this issue, some good sources of information are
UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the United Nation’s Food and
Agricultural Organization. And our online show notes this week list
several Virginia efforts.
For other water sounds and music, and for more Virginia
water information, visit our Web site at,
or call us at (540) 231-5463. From the
Virginia Water Resources Research Center in Blacksburg, I’m Alan Raflo,
thanking you for listening, and wishing you health, wisdom, and good water.
[These notes were reviewed on 4-27-15 to check Web links and update some information.]
[These notes were reviewed on 4-27-15 to check Web links and update some information.]
Acknowledgements: This
episode’s water-pump sound and information were previously used in Episode 26
(week of 7-26-10).
Sources and More
Information: The 2012 report of the World Health Organization/UNICEF Joint
Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation estimated that in 2010
about 780 million people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water; a link
to that report and to other sources of information on world water needs and
responses is available at
(as of 8/6/12). Other information from
the World Health Organization on
water needs is available at Information on World Water Day, held each March, is available at
(as of 8/6/12) Information about hand pumps and other technologies for
providing water is available at many Web sites, such as the following (functional as of 4/27/15): Global Water, at;
and Rural Water Supply Network, at
Here in Virginia, as of 2013, about 12,000 (0.04%) of the Commonwealth's 3.02 million occupied households were estimated to lack complete indoor plumbing facilities, according to the U.S. Census’ "2009-2013 5-Year American American Community Survey" (information for Virginia available online
at, as of 4/27/15).
The following is a small sample of Virginia-based groups and projects seeking to improve water supplies in
developing countries:
American Water Resources Association, Virginia Tech student
Engineering Students Without Borders, University of Virginia
student chapter:;
Engineers Without Borders, Virginia Tech student chapter:;
Engineers Without Borders, Hampton Roads professionals
Water and Health in Limpopo Province, South Africa Project
at the University of Virginia:;
Walking for
Water” for Burkina Faso, by Wisdom Spring, Inc., of Leesburg, Va.:
Recent Virginia Water
news relevant to Virginia's water resources, please visit the Virginia Water Central News Grouper,
available online at
Water Meetings and
Other Events
events related to Virginia's water resources, please visit the Quick Guide to Virginia Water–related
Conferences, Workshops, and Other Events, online at The site includes a list of Virginia
government policy and regulatory meetings occurring in the coming week.