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Sections below are the following:
Transcript of Audio
Audio Notes and Acknowledgments
Extra Information
Related Water Radio Episodes
For Virginia Teachers (Relevant SOLs, etc.)
Unless otherwise noted, all Web addresses mentioned were functional as of 11-6-20.
From the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, this is Virginia Water Radio for the week of November 9, 2020.
SOUND – ~ 8 sec
This Veterans Day week, the sound of a Bald Eagle opens an audio post card for veterans and for currently serving members of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Space Force, and National Guard. In gratitude for the hard, vital work they do, here’s a medley of water-related sounds—from a mountain stream to the James River to Chesapeake Bay waves, with some weather, birds, frogs, and human activities along the way. That’s followed by music by the Nelson County- and Charlottesville, Va.-based band Chamomile and Whiskey; I’ve chosen their song “Nelson County” to stand in for wherever service members call home. To any veterans or active service members listening, thank you and I hope you like this!
SOUNDS - ~78 sec
1 – Small stream on Brush
Mountain in Blacksburg, Va., December 17, 2018.
2 – New Year’s morning
wade-in at the New River in Giles County, Va., January 1, 2014.
3 - Special Olympics
annual Polar Plunge® into the New River at Radford, Va., January 29, 2011.
4 – Ice-skaters on a
pond in Heritage Park in Blacksburg, Va., January 14, 2018.
5 - Red-winged Blackbird
in Blacksburg, Va., March 26, 2015.
6 - Fishing line in
Blacksburg, Va., June 23, 2016.
7 – Gray Tree Frog, Green
Frog, and Spring Peeper in a pond in Blacksburg, Va., May 23, 2013.
8 – Rain and thunder in
Blacksburg, Va., July 31, 2012.
9 - James River falls in
Richmond, Va., February 17, 2014.
10 – Kayak paddling on
the Potomac River, July 11, 2010.
11 – Voices at people
visiting Dismal Falls in Bland County, Va., August 20, 2011.
12 – Mallards at the
Virginia Tech Duck Pond in Blacksburg, Va., December 10, 2015.
13 – Waves on the Chesapeake
Bay at Kent Island, Maryland, June 22, 2010.
MUSIC - ~43 sec
From Virginia’s mountains to its coast, on Veterans Day and all year round we’re indebted to, and grateful for, all U.S. service members, past and present.
Thanks to Lang Elliott for permission to use the Bald Eagle
sounds, from the Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs.
Thanks also to Chamomile and Whiskey for permission to use this week’s music, and we close with the last 20 seconds of “Nelson County.”
MUSIC - ~22 sec
Virginia Water Radio is produced by the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, part of Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment. For more Virginia water sounds, music, or information, visit us online at, or call the Water Center at (540) 231-5624. Thanks to Stewart Scales for his banjo version of Cripple Creek to open and close this show. In Blacksburg, I’m Alan Raflo, thanking you for listening, and wishing you health, wisdom, and good water.
The Bald Eagle sounds were from the Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs-Eastern Region CD set, by Lang Elliott with Donald and Lillian Stokes (Time Warner Audio Books, copyright 1997), used with permission of Lang Elliott. Lang Elliot’s work is available online at the “Music of Nature” Web site,
Thanks to Michael Martz for recording the James River sound
and to Blacksburg neighbors for recording the Dismal Falls sounds. All other sounds were recorded by Virginia
Water Radio.
“Nelson County,” from the 2017 album “Sweet Afton,” is copyright by Chamomile and Whiskey and County Wide Music used with permission. More information about Chamomile and Whiskey is available online at More information about County Wide Music is available online at
here if you’d like to hear the full version (1 min./11 sec.) of the
“Cripple Creek” arrangement/performance by Stewart Scales that opens and closes
this episode. More
information about Mr. Scales and the group New Standard, with which Mr.
Scales plays, is available online at
Stream at the foot of Brush Mountain in Blacksburg, Va., December 17, 2018.New River looking upstream from County Road 625 in Giles County, Va., January 1, 2019.
Male Red-winged Blackbird in California in 2009. Photo by Lee Karney, made available for public use by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Digital Library, online at
James River downstream of downtown Richmond, June 22, 2007.
Pair of Mallards at the Virginia Tech Duck Pond in Blacksburg, March 22, 2016.
Summer on the Rockfish River in Nelson County, Va. Photo by Michael LaChance, used with permission.
Veterans Day
The information below on Veterans Day is quoted from the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “History of Veterans Day,” online at,
as of 11/10/20.
“World War I—known at the time as ‘The Great War’—officially ended when the
Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles
outside the town of Versailles, France. However,
fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation
of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the
eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason,
November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of ‘the war to end all
“…In November 1919, [U.S.] President [Woodrow] Wilson proclaimed November 11 as
the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: ‘To us in
America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in
the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for
the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because
of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and
justice in the councils of the nations…’
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with
parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at
11:00 a.m.
“The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when
it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926. …
“An Act [of Congress] (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code,
Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal
holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter
celebrated and known as ‘Armistice Day.’
Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World
War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization
of soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen in the Nation’s history, [and] after
American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the
urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by
striking out the word ‘Armistice’ and inserting in its place the word
‘Veterans.’ With the approval of this
legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to
honor American veterans of all wars.”
Armed Forces Day
The following information on Armed Forces Day is quoted from Joseph Andrew Lee for the USO, “When is Armed Forces Day,” May 14, 2020, online at
“Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May, and it is the day Americans celebrate their military. In 2020, it falls on Saturday, May 16.
“Unlike Veterans Day (previously observed as Armistice Day, the end of World War I), which honors those who wore the cloth of our nation at war, and unlike Memorial Day, which honors those who died wearing the cloth of our nation at war, Armed Forces Day is the proper day to honor all of the men and women currently serving as well as those who have served and sacrificed to defend our freedom.
“Armed Forces Day was created on August 31, 1949, by then-Secretary of Defense, Louis Johnson, to replace separate Army, Navy, and Air Force Days. The event stemmed from the Armed Forces’ unification under one Department of Defense by then-President Harry S. Truman when he signed the National Security Act into law on July 26, 1947.”
Joseph Andrew Lee for the USO, “When is Armed Forces Day,” May 14, 2020, online at
National Guard, “Guard and Reserve members receive ‘Veteran’ status,’” by Sgt. 1st Class Jon Soucy, National Guard Bureau, 12/28/16.
Special Olympics Virginia, “Polar Plunge®, online at
U.S. Department of Defense, “Our Forces,” online at
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, “Veterans Day Frequently Asked Questions,” online at
All Water Radio episodes are listed by category at the Index link above ( See particularly the “History” subject category.
Following are links to other episodes for Veterans Day.
Episode 239, 11-10-14 – on the
U.S. Coast Guard.
Episode 289, 11-9-15 – on the U.S.
Episode 341, 11-7-16 – on the U.S.
Air Force.
Episode 394, 11-13-17 – on the
U.S. Army.
Episode 446, 11-12-18 – on the
U.S. Marine Corps.
Episode 498, 11-11-19 – on all
military services.
Following are some Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs)
that may be supported by this episode’s audio/transcript, sources, or other
information included in this post.
2020 Music SOLs
SOLs at various
grade levels that call for “examining the relationship of music to the other
fine arts and other fields of knowledge.”
2018 Science SOLs
Grades K-5 Earth
4.8 – The student will investigate and understand that
Virginia has important natural resources, including watersheds and water and
plants and animals.
2015 Social Studies SOLs
Grades K-3 Civics
2.5 – why U.S. citizens celebrate major holidays.
Grades K-3 History
1.2 – Virginia history and life in present-day Virginia.
Virginia Studies
VS.9 – how national events affected Virginia and its
VS.10 – knowledge of government, geography, and economics in
present-day Virginia.
United States History:
1865-to-Present Course
USII.8 – economic, social, and political transformation of
the United States and the world after World War II.
USII.9 – domestic and international issues during the second
half of the 20th Century and the early 21st Century.
Civics and Economics
CE.6 – government at the national level.
Virginia and United
States History Course
VUS.14 – political and social conditions in the 21st
Government Course
GOVT.7 – national government organization and powers.
GOVT. 12 – role of the United States in a changing world,
including responsibilities of the national government for foreign policy and
national security.
Virginia’s SOLs are available from the Virginia Department
of Education, online at
Following are links to Water Radio episodes (various topics) designed especially for certain K-12 grade levels.
250, 1-26-15 – on boiling, for kindergarten through 3rd grade.
255, 3-2-15 – on density, for 5th and 6th grade.
Episode 282, 9-21-15 – on living
vs. non-living, for kindergarten.
Episode 309, 3-28-16 – on
temperature regulation in animals, for kindergarten through 12th
333, 9-12-16 – on dissolved gases,
especially dissolved oxygen in aquatic habitats, for 5th grade.
Episode 403, 1-15-18 – on freezing
and ice, for kindergarten through 3rd grade.
404, 1-22-18 – on ice on ponds and lakes, for 4th through 8th
406, 2-5-18 – on ice on rivers, for middle school.
407, 2-12-18 – on snow chemistry and physics, for high school.
483, 7-29-19 – on buoyancy and drag, for middle school and high school.
524, 5-11-20 – on sounds by water-related animals, for elementary school
through high school.
531, 6-29-20 – on various ways that animals get water, for 3rd
and 4th grade.
539, 8-24-20 – on basic numbers and facts about Virginia’s water resources,
for 4th and 6th grade.